Spotlight - Black or Leopard

My last two shoe purchases seem to highlight some of my favorite elements: solid simple black or a classic pattern, such as, leopard. I am a bit late to the slip on sneaker trend, to be honest I wasn't sure it was for me at first. But then as time passed, I realized that they would be a great addition to my closet and just at that time I found this perfect black calf hair version from Sam Edleman.

With the new fall season, it seems like rainy days are becoming more prominent (aka yesterday.) My mom sent me an email about these great slip on rain boots from Leoffler Randall. I am not a big rain boot fan...Hunter Boots have never fit me well. So these little slip ons seem like a great alternative! (thanks for the suggestion mom!) Like the slip on sneakers from Sam Edleman, the Rain Slip-Ons come in both black and a leopard print. Because I always wear darker solid color pants, I thought this would be a fun way to add some pattern to an outfit with the leopard version.

Do you all have a preference for black solid shoes or do you like to add a bit of a pattern with leopard?

Nan Philip-4 Comments